At the time of Red Lipstick's creation, I was exploring Jackson Pollock's controversial work. I was learning about his drip paintings and the techniques that he is now famous for. While I was discovering in amazement, I couldn't help but notice the ignorance surrounding abstract art on the internet.
It's funny; today with YouTube and our 'comment culture' (the ease/entitlement in which we can say whatever we want in the comments section), I have read some of the most atrocious things about his style. Comments such as, "this is not REAL art" and "my 4 year old child can do this" are just examples of the common backlash that abstract artists experience. Truth is, understanding abstract art requires tapping into a level of profoundness and nuance. It requires us to let go of what we know about our physical world and delve into something unknown. Which, let's face it, is pretty scary for most people. We like things that make sense, things that we are familiar with, things that we can attach something concrete to.
Abstract artists flirt, bend, and reimagine our world in their own unique way. Not to mention that the audience's interpretation is also their own unique experience. Abstract art pushes you to think outside of the box; both as a creator and a spectator. And those who feeling compelled to insult that process, do not have the ability or stubbornly refuse to investigate that part of the human experience.
That is my humble opinion.
Anyways, all this to say that while I was in my Jackson Pollock exploration, I was asked to make a piece and this is the result!